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They Want You Tired Sick and Unhealthy: How Your Poor Health Benefits the Wealthy Few

They Want You Tired Sick and Unhealthy: How Your Poor Health Benefits the Wealthy Few

20 Jun 2023

Are you tired of feeling sick and unhealthy? It may not just be a personal issue, but rather a symptom of a larger problem: big business capitalising on your illness. The food industry, medical industry, and supplement industry all depend on people being unhealthy to make a profit. In this blog post, we'll explore why they want you tired, sick, and unhealthy and how taking control of your own health is imperative.

The Food Industry

The food industry profits from making you addicted to processed foods. These highly processed products are designed to be addictive, causing your brain to crave them, leading to overconsumption. This cycle of addiction means that the food industry can make a profit at your expense while contributing to poor health outcomes such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

Marketing tactics used by the food industry further compound this problem. They use misleading labeling and marketing language like "fat-free" or "low-carb" that makes their products seem healthier than they really are. The result is a confused consumer who thinks they're making healthy choices but is instead consuming nutrient-poor processed foods full of sugar and unhealthy fats.

Processed Foods

Highly processed foods are a major culprit in the decline of our overall health. These convenient options often contain additives, preservatives and hidden dangers that can have negative impacts on our bodies. From increasing inflammation to contributing to chronic diseases, consuming highly processed foods is not worth sacrificing your long-term health for short-term convenience.

Consuming highly processed foods can increase inflammation and contribute to chronic diseases, making prioritizing whole, nutritious foods essential for long-term health.

Unfortunately, the food industry has capitalised on this convenience trap by making these unhealthy options readily available and affordable. This only perpetuates our dependency on sugar and fat-laden products that leave us feeling tired, sick, and trapped in a cycle of poor health. It's time to break free from this cycle by being mindful of what we consume and prioritising whole, nutritious foods instead.

Marketing Tactics

Food companies use manipulative marketing tactics to encourage us to consume their products, regardless of the negative health consequences. They use buzzwords like 'healthy' and 'low-fat' on labels to make their products seem healthier than they really are. However, many of these foods are still highly processed and full of additives that can have detrimental effects on our health.

Fast-food chains also play a significant role in promoting unhealthy eating habits by using psychological tactics such as super-sizing portions, offering meal deals or promotions that encourage overconsumption. These tactics may lead to weight gain, chronic disease development and an overall decline in health. It's important for individuals to be aware of these strategies and take control of their own health by making informed choices about what they eat.

Dependency on Sugar and Fat

'Sugar addiction': The science behind it all

The food industry has developed products that are high in sugar and fat, which trigger the reward centers of our brains leading to addiction-like behavior. Sugar stimulates the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure, making us crave more. Breaking free from sugar addiction requires an understanding of the science behind it all and making conscious choices to reduce consumption.

Low-fat, high-sugar: Unhealthy 'healthy' options

Many so-called 'healthy' options such as low-fat yogurts or granola bars are often loaded with added sugars. This can lead to overconsumption of calories and weight gain. When shopping for healthier options, look out for hidden sugars in ingredient lists and opt for whole foods instead.

Breaking free from unhealthy habits

Changing eating habits is not easy but is essential for overall health and wellbeing. Start by setting realistic goals such as reducing processed foods or swapping sugary drinks for water. Small changes can have a big impact on long-term health outcomes. Remember that taking control of one's own health is empowerment against industries who profit from keeping you tired, sick, and unhealthy.

The Medical Industry

The medical industry's focus on treatment rather than prevention has led to a profitable cycle of illness. Instead of investing in preventative measures, the industry profits from patients returning for repeated treatments and medications. This system benefits big business but not necessarily the health and wellbeing of individuals.

Pharmaceutical companies are among the biggest players in this profit-driven system, with their primary goal being shareholder value rather than patient health. The inflated cost of medications further exacerbates inequalities in healthcare access and perpetuates the cycle of illness as people struggle to afford necessary treatments.

Treatment vs. Prevention

Pharmaceutical companies profit from selling expensive drugs, surgeries and treatments that often come with side effects, which is why prevention is key to staying healthy.

Why prevention is often neglected in the medical industry:

  • There's less money to be made from preventing illnesses than treating them
  • Doctors are not trained enough in preventative measures
  • Many people only seek help when they are already sick

How to prioritise prevention over treatment:

  • Take control of your own health by eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep
  • Educate yourself about preventative measures that apply to you

By prioritising prevention over treatment, you can avoid unnecessary costs while also living a healthier life. Remember: being healthy means more than just avoiding illness - it's about taking care of yourself both physically and mentally.

Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry is driven by profits, leading to advertising tactics that may promote drugs you don't need. It's important to be aware of these marketing strategies and do your own research before agreeing to any medical treatment. While medication can be helpful in managing health issues, it's also crucial to consider alternative methods such as exercise, stress reduction techniques, and a balanced diet. Taking control of your own health can not only improve your overall wellbeing but also reduce the power corporations have over our bodies and minds.

In a profit-driven industry like pharmaceuticals, it's easy for companies to prioritize their bottom line over patients' actual needs. From flashy ads promising quick fixes to doctors incentivized by drug companies, consumers must navigate through a complex system designed with profits in mind. However, taking an active approach towards holistic wellness involves considering lifestyle changes that address root causes instead of just treating symptoms with pills alone. By prioritising prevention rather than relying solely on medication for managing illnesses or conditions long-term healthy behaviors become more achievable goals which leads us closer towards optimal well-being we seek consciously or unconsciously every day

The Supplement Industry

The supplement industry profits from the false promises of quick fixes and miracle cures. Many supplements lack scientific evidence to back their claims and can even be harmful if not taken under proper guidance. It is important to do your research before adding any supplement to your routine.

Dependency on supplements also plays into the profit of poor health. Rather than addressing underlying issues through lifestyle changes, people may turn to supplements as an easy solution. However, this only perpetuates the cycle of ill health and dependence on products rather than empowering individuals with knowledge for long-term wellness.

False Promises

Misleading advertising tactics, over-exaggerated health claims, and manipulation of scientific studies are just some of the ways that big businesses try to lure consumers into buying their products. False promises often lead people to believe that a certain product will solve all their health problems when it does nothing at all. Here are some common tactics used by these companies:

  • Using buzzwords such as "all-natural", "organic", or "detox" without any scientific evidence to back up their claims
  • Claiming that a product can cure a specific ailment
  • Focusing on one small aspect of a study while ignoring the overall results
  • Using celebrity endorsements or testimonials from paid actors

Don't fall for false promises - do your research and make informed decisions about what you put in your body.

Dependency on Supplements

Lack of regulation in the supplement industry has resulted in the production and sale of unsafe products. As a result, people who rely on supplements to meet their nutritional needs can be putting their health at risk. Inadequate education on proper nutrition and diet is also contributing to people's dependency on supplements.

Long-term use of supplements can lead to negative side effects that are often overlooked by consumers seeking quick fixes for their health issues. Some potential risks include liver damage, kidney failure, and gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea or constipation.

It is crucial for individuals to prioritise a balanced diet with whole foods rather than relying solely on supplements. While they may seem like convenient solutions, they should only be used in moderation under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

  • Lack of regulation leads to unsafe products
  • Inadequate education on proper nutrition and diet
  • Long-term use can lead to negative side effects

Why They Want You Tired, Sick, and Unhealthy

One reason "they" want you tired, sick, and unhealthy is because it's profitable. Big businesses in the food and medical industries make billions of dollars from people's illnesses. They depend on people being unhealthy to sustain their profits. That's why they invest huge amounts of money into marketing unhealthy foods, drugs with side effects that create more illnesses, and supplements that promise quick fixes but don't address the root cause of health problems.

Another reason is political and social control. When you're tired and stressed out, your ability to think critically decreases significantly. You become more susceptible to manipulation by those in power who want to maintain their control over society. Being unhealthy also makes you a better consumer - unhappy people tend to consume more as a way of coping with their problems or seeking temporary relief from stressors in life. By keeping us worn down mentally and physically, big business can keep us under their thumb while profiting off our misfortune

Political and Social Control

Lack of access to healthcare, food deserts and nutritional disparities, as well as a lack of government regulation on harmful products are all forms of political and social control. Big businesses benefit from people's ill health by providing subpar healthcare that keeps them coming back for more treatments. Food deserts make it difficult for people in low-income areas to access healthy food options, leading to nutritional deficiencies that can cause chronic illness. Meanwhile, the government fails to regulate dangerous products such as alcohol, tobacco and sugary drinks which contribute significantly to poor health outcomes.

It is evident that there is a profit motive behind the maintenance of poor health in our society. Those who are tired, sick, and unhealthy become dependent on expensive drugs or medical treatments provided by big pharmaceutical companies who prioritize profits over patient care. Nutritional disparities arising from food deserts cause an increase in preventable diseases such as diabetes and heart disease while a lack of government regulations allows corporations selling harmful products like cigarettes to continue making money at the expense of citizens' wellbeing. We must take control of our own health by advocating for better healthcare systems and demanding stricter regulations on harmful substances sold by greedy corporations.


Marketing unhealthy products to children is a widespread practice that perpetuates the cycle of poor health. Companies use manipulative advertising tactics to lure children in and convince them they need these products for happiness or social acceptance. This not only affects the child's current health but also sets them up for a lifetime of poor eating habits.

False health claims on packaging make it difficult for consumers to make informed decisions about what they're putting into their bodies. Labels like "low fat" or "natural" often don't accurately reflect the true nutritional value of a product, leading people to believe they are making healthy choices when in fact, they may be consuming something detrimental to their wellbeing. It's important for individuals to educate themselves on how marketing strategies can deceive them and take action by reading ingredient labels and researching brands before purchasing products.

Taking Control of Your Health

Taking control of your health starts with self-education. Don't rely on big businesses to tell you what's good for you. Take the time to research and learn about nutrition, exercise, and overall wellness. This knowledge will empower you to make informed decisions that are best for your health.

Healthy habits are also key in taking control of your health. Incorporating daily exercise routines, getting enough sleep, and eating a balanced diet can have a significant impact on your well-being. Small changes lead to big improvements in how you feel both physically and mentally.

In addition to traditional approaches, exploring holistic methods such as acupuncture or meditation may also benefit your overall health and wellness journey. Taking control of your own health is not always easy but it is necessary if we want to break free from the cycle of being tired sick and unhealthy which benefits those who profit off our poor wellbeing.


The food industry has a significant impact on our health, but understanding the workings of this massive industry can be overwhelming. One way to take control is by learning how to read nutritional labels and ingredient lists. With so many hidden sugars and additives in packaged foods, taking the time to research what we put into our bodies can make all the difference.

Exercise also plays a vital role in maintaining overall health, but not all exercise is created equal. Researching different types of exercise, we can discover which ones benefit our individual needs best. Whether it's strength training for bone density or cardio for heart health, finding an enjoyable activity that meets our goals will keep us motivated and healthy in the long run.

Healthy Habits

Incorporating more whole foods into your diet can significantly improve your overall health. Whole foods provide essential nutrients that processed food lacks, which strengthens the immune system and helps prevent chronic diseases. Start small by adding one new whole food to each meal or snack.

Making time for regular physical activity is also essential for maintaining good health. Exercise boosts serotonin levels, improves cardiovascular health, and strengthens muscles and bones. Find an activity you enjoy and schedule it into your daily routine, even if it's just a short walk around the block.

Getting enough sleep every night is crucial for both physical and mental well-being. Lack of sleep has been linked to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, anxiety disorders - the list goes on. Establish a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed at the same time every night and creating a relaxing bedtime routine that includes turning off electronic devices an hour before bed.

Holistic Approaches

Meditation and mindfulness practices for stress reduction can have a profound effect on overall health. These techniques promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep quality. Herbal remedies and natural supplements are also becoming increasingly popular for treating common ailments such as colds or headaches without the negative side effects often associated with pharmaceutical drugs. Exploring alternative medicine such as acupuncture or chiropractic care can also be effective in addressing chronic pain or other health issues, offering a holistic approach that treats the whole person rather than just the symptoms. By embracing these approaches to wellbeing, individuals may find themselves less reliant on traditional medical interventions while achieving better long-term health outcomes.